4th Conference on Optofluidics
Munich, Germany
26 June 2017 - 29 June 2017 REGISTER NOW
Optofluidics emerged approximately 10 years ago aiming at the fusion of integrated optics with microfluidics. Since then, a wealth of new scientific principles and technologies have emerged. Through this conference, the latest developments in Optofluidics will be explored, serving as the main meeting point of the international optofluidics community.
General chair: Demetri Psaltis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (CH)
Co-chair: Andreas Vasdekis, University of Idaho (US)
Program committee
- Xudong Fan, University of Michigan (US)
- Pietro Ferraro, Italian National Institute of Optics (IT)
- David Sinton, University of Toronto (CA)
- A. Q. Liu, Nanyang Technological University (SG)
- Christian Karnutsch, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciencies (DE)
- Ian White, University of Maryland (US)
Plenary Speaker
- Demetri Psaltis, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (CH)
Invited Speakers
- Christophe Moser, Ecole Polytechique Federale de Lausanne (CH)
- Jean Charles Ribierre, Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA) (JP)
- Kevin K. Tsia, The University of Hong Kong (HK)
- Holger Schmidt, UC Santa Cruz (US)
- Anders Kristensen, Danish Technical University (DTU) (DK)
- Hans Zappe, University of Freiburg (DE)
- Carmon Tal, Technion University (IL)
- Eva Ryckeboer, University of Ghent (BE)
- David Erickson, Cornell University (US), Speech held on his behalf by Ryan Snodgrass, Cornell University
- Kishan Dholakia, University of St. Andrews (UK)
- Pietro Ferraro, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (IT)
Topics include
- Photonics: fundamental linear and non-linear optics, lasers, sensors, microscopy, opt. Tweezers
- Medicine and Biology: single cell, viral and molecule methods, drug delivery, ultra-high throughput screening
- Imaging: time-stretch imaging, Big-Data approaches
- Handheld Devices for low-resource settings: mHealth, portable diagnostics
- Environment – Energy: optofluidics of plants, photobioreactors, biophysics
- Transport: optics, microfluidics, computational methods
- Microsystem Fabrication
- Novel prototyping methods, 3D and 4D particle generation, BioMEMS
- Hybrid Integration: integrated optics (SERS, waveguides), electronics, and applications
- Soft Matter: liquid crystals, vesicle photonics
- Industry: industrial applications, related technologies and products